speech impairment – Leader in Offshore Accessibility Testing | Section 508 Compliance | WCAG Conformance | BarrierBreak https://www.barrierbreak.com/communication-with-aac-devices/ Creating a limitless future Mon, 06 Jun 2022 10:35:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.barrierbreak.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/favicon.ico.png speech impairment – Leader in Offshore Accessibility Testing | Section 508 Compliance | WCAG Conformance | BarrierBreak https://www.barrierbreak.com/communication-with-aac-devices/ 32 32 Communication with AAC Devices https://www.barrierbreak.com/communication-with-aac-devices/ Wed, 15 Mar 2017 04:17:41 +0000 https://www.barrierbreak.com/?p=10448 Problem communicating or expressing yourself due to limited or no speech? Try AAC devices! What is AAC? ‘Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is an umbrella term that encompasses the communication methods used to supplement or replace speech or writing for those with impairments in the production or comprehension of spoken or written language.’ – Wikepedia.… Read More »Communication with AAC Devices

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Problem communicating or expressing yourself due to limited or no speech? Try AAC devices!

What is AAC?

‘Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is an umbrella term that encompasses the communication methods used to supplement or replace speech or writing for those with impairments in the production or comprehension of spoken or written language.’ – Wikepedia.

In simple terms AAC devices are communication tools that help people with speech impairment to communicate and express themselves as any other person.

Who needs an AAC device?

AAC devices are designed for people who find difficulty in communication or speech due to

  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Autism
  • Dysarthria
  • Aphasia
  • Intellectual Impairments
  • Strokes
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Brain Injuries
  • Neck and Throat Cancer

How does using AAC help?

Introducing various AAC devices can ensure participation of children and students at any age in a wide range of educational and social activities. Here are some success stories that would help you understand how AAC devices can enable a child with speech difficulties to communicate and express himself without any difficulty.

“Manisha has autism. When she was 4 years old she could not speak nor could she read any word. Introducing her to QuickTalker helped her make basic requests such as need for food, water, going to the washroom etc. QuickTalker has helped her form meaningful sentences and thus helped her improve her vocabulary and communication skills. Today, she uses QuickTalker as her main means for communication and is able to type and read stories and texts easily.”

QuickTalker series of communication devices are lightweight, rugged, go-anywhere communicators that is ideal for people who have limited or no speech to begin communicating in minutes. Available QuickTalker 7, QuickTalker 12 & QuickTalker 23.

Select a device to suit speech needs. These AAC devices are easy to use with just a switch of a button and ideal to be used in classrooms, activity centres for children with special needs. They help provide opportunities to communicate and thus feel included in learning and other daily activities. Get in touch with sales@barrierbreak.com to know more or for a FREE demo of AAC devices.

Additional Resources:

Tips to Help Your Child Use Augmentative-Alternative Communication (AAC)


The post Communication with AAC Devices appeared first on Leader in Offshore Accessibility Testing | Section 508 Compliance | WCAG Conformance | BarrierBreak.
