Let's Celebrate Accessibility
Shine a light on organizations by identifying Accessibility Features that they have built into Digital - Web or Mobile, Products, Services, Built Environment, or Gaming.
Instead of looking for the bugs, let’s highlight accessibility best practices and features.
So, if you or your team are doing some great things in accessibility or if you have seen some great accessibility features, then let’s collectively document them!
GAAD Week - May 16th to May 22nd
Support #SpotlightAccessibility

Global Accessibility Awareness Day
BarrierBreak has launched the #SpotlightAccessibility campaign marking #GAAD2022 with the aim of highlighting accessibility features that can inspire people and organizations to adopt & implement accessibility.
Let’s Identify accessibility features/solutions of any Product, Service, Digital - Web or Mobile, Built Environment, or Gaming and share it with the world.
Come join us as Accessibility Enthusiasts and help spread positivity around.
Today, companies are finally realizing the benefits of accessibility and are making digital and physical accessibility a priority! Globally, organizations are taking the initiative of incorporating accessibility in their business and working towards inclusion.
Though, people with disabilities are still underserved by today’s products and solutions and a lot needs to be done when it comes to accessibility. Let us throw some light on some accessibility features that act as a catalyst towards inclusion.
Let’s spend 20 minutes and share accessibility features that you like the most and spread positivity!
- Look around you for any Product, Service, Digital - Web or Mobile, Built Environment, or Gaming.
- Submit accessibility features that you like the most.
- Share it through social media channels and help spread the word #SpotlightAccessibility
Let’s Inspire others to implement Accessibility!
Don't Wait, Submit Accessibility Examples