DOS5 – Leader in Offshore Accessibility Testing | Section 508 Compliance | WCAG Conformance | BarrierBreak Creating a limitless future Fri, 15 Jul 2022 07:59:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 DOS5 – Leader in Offshore Accessibility Testing | Section 508 Compliance | WCAG Conformance | BarrierBreak 32 32 BarrierBreak is a trusted vendor for Accessibility Testing and Auditing on the Digital Outcomes and Specialists 5 (DOS5) framework Tue, 02 Feb 2021 06:35:53 +0000 BarrierBreak is proud to state that we have been awarded a place on the Digital Outcomes and Specialists 5 (DOS5) framework. As the UK government focuses on ensuring people with disabilities can access digital products, a critical part of that is conducting accessibility testings and audits. The UK government focuses on providing barrier-free access, fair… Read More »BarrierBreak is a trusted vendor for Accessibility Testing and Auditing on the Digital Outcomes and Specialists 5 (DOS5) framework

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BarrierBreak is proud to state that we have been awarded a place on the Digital Outcomes and Specialists 5 (DOS5) framework.

As the UK government focuses on ensuring people with disabilities can access digital products, a critical part of that is conducting accessibility testings and audits.

The UK government focuses on providing barrier-free access, fair treatment, and promotes a fair and more equal society through the Equality Act 2010, ISO 30071-1, and the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018.

This requires all the state, regional, local authorities and public sector bodies to ensure digital products are accessible by making them ‘perceivable, operable, understandable and robust’.

To help authorities meet accessibility requirements, the DOS5 agreement under Lot 1 – Digital Outcomes helps the UK public sector organisations buy, design, build and provide bespoke digital outcomes including accessibility services.

Under the arrangement BarrierBreak services are available on DOS5 under Lot 1: Digital Outcomes and can deliver the following services:

  • Accessibility Testing and Auditing
  • User experience and design
  • User Research

Shilpi Kapoor, Managing Director, BarrierBreak said, “BarrierBreak is an offshore leader in digital accessibility. With our people-first approach wherein accessibility experts including people with disabilities are an integral part of our process, we look forward to support different authorities in the UK to meet and go beyond their accessibility  support.

Shashank Kapur, Director of Strategy & Business Development, BarrierBreak said, “We are excited to be on the DOS5 platform and offer our services to the public sector organizations in UK. Our team of accessibility experts would be proud to work with organizations to analyze, test, and recommend the accessibility solutions that helps public sector organizations meet the accessibility requirements as per the Accessibility regulations 2018. “

To procure our services through the DOS5 Framework: Buying through the Digital Outcomes and Specialists framework

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The post BarrierBreak is a trusted vendor for Accessibility Testing and Auditing on the Digital Outcomes and Specialists 5 (DOS5) framework appeared first on Leader in Offshore Accessibility Testing | Section 508 Compliance | WCAG Conformance | BarrierBreak.

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