EAA – Leader in Offshore Accessibility Testing | Section 508 Compliance | WCAG Conformance | BarrierBreak https://www.barrierbreak.com/are-you-ready-for-the-european-accessibility-act/ Creating a limitless future Fri, 03 Feb 2023 08:33:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.barrierbreak.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/favicon.ico.png EAA – Leader in Offshore Accessibility Testing | Section 508 Compliance | WCAG Conformance | BarrierBreak https://www.barrierbreak.com/are-you-ready-for-the-european-accessibility-act/ 32 32 Are you ready for the European Accessibility Act? https://www.barrierbreak.com/are-you-ready-for-the-european-accessibility-act/ https://www.barrierbreak.com/are-you-ready-for-the-european-accessibility-act/#respond Tue, 31 Jan 2023 10:08:22 +0000 https://www.barrierbreak.com/?p=21330 Key Takeaways What is the European Accessibility Act? The European Accessibility Act (EAA) Directive 2019/882 is a landmark European Union (EU) law that requires certain products and services manufactured and provided in the European market to be accessible for persons with disabilities. It follows a commitment on accessibility made by the EU and all Member… Read More »Are you ready for the European Accessibility Act?

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Key Takeaways

  • The European Accessibility Act (EAA) required EU member states to adopt certain accessibility requirements into national law by June 28, 2022. 
  • From June 28, 2025 businesses will only be able to supply products and services in the European Market that comply with the Directive’s accessibility requirements.
  • The EAA is a law and therefore it is enforceable.
  • The EAA focuses mainly on digital products & services
  • The EAA is expected to impact the life of 135 million people with disability in EU.

What is the European Accessibility Act?

The European Accessibility Act (EAA) Directive 2019/882 is a landmark European Union (EU) law that requires certain products and services manufactured and provided in the European market to be accessible for persons with disabilities. It follows a commitment on accessibility made by the EU and all Member States upon ratifying the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. (UNCRPD).

The act sets out accessibility requirements for products such as computers, telephones, and televisions, and for services like banking and transport. The goal of the act is to ensure that people with disabilities can fully participate in society and enjoy the same opportunities as everyone else.

Businesses operating in the European Union (EU) should be ready for the European Accessibility Act (EAA) and start planning their accessibility journey now. As a pioneers in accessibility offshore, Barrierbreak can help businesses understand the importance of EAA and how they can ensure that their digital products and services are accessible and compliant.

Is the European Accessibility Act enforceable?

Yes, the EAA is a law and therefore enforceable. Till now the EU has required public-sector to adhere to accessibility requirements under the EU Web Accessibility Directive. But with the EAA, even the private-sector companies will be faced with an accessibility legislation.

When will the European Accessibility Act apply?

From June 28, 2025, businesses, manufacturers, service providers, and publishers will only be able to supply products and services in the European Market that comply with the Directive’s accessibility requirements.

The act requires Member States of the European Union to take the necessary measures to ensure that accessibility requirements are met for the products and services covered by the act, and to make these requirements binding and enforceable.

So, if you want to supply products and services to the EU then don’t wait, start implementing accessibility today!

What is covered under the European Accessibility Act?

The EAA will apply to the following products and services:

  • Computers and operating systems
  • ATM’s & Payment Terminals
  • Electronic Ticketing Services
  • Transport Service Information
  • E-Readers & E-Books
  • Websites & E-commerce
  • Mobile device-based services including mobile applications.
  • Banking Services
  • Television & Media Services
  • Telephony services

How will businesses benefit from the European Accessibility Act?

The European Accessibility Act will benefit businesses in several ways:

  1. Harmonized market: The EAA sets out common accessibility requirements across the EU, which will reduce costs for businesses by eliminating the need to comply with different national standards.
  2. Increased customer base: By making products and services more accessible to people with disabilities, businesses will be able to tap into a large and growing market of potential customers.
  3. Improved brand reputation: Companies that are seen as leaders in accessibility will enhance their reputation and brand image, attracting more customers and employees.
  4. Better innovation: Encouraging businesses to develop innovative accessibility solutions will drive technological progress and lead to new products and services that can be sold in both domestic and export markets.
  5. Better compliance with laws and regulations: Complying with the act will ensure that businesses are in compliance with EU laws and regulations, reducing the risk of fines and legal action.

What will be the Impact of the European Accessibility Act?

The EAA is expected to have a positive impact on the life of 135 million people with a disability in the European Union and provide businesses with seamless cross-border trading.

Over the coming years, it is hoped that the EAA will ensure digital products and services are more accessible for people with disabilities, making it easier for them to participate in the digital economy.

How can BarrierBreak help?

If you are doing business in Europe, it is important to start planning for the European Accessibility Act now. Businesses that fail to comply with the EAA could face significant financial penalties and damage to their reputation. It is therefore important for businesses to take the necessary steps to ensure that their products and services are accessible and comply with the requirements outlined in the EAA.

We are an offshore digital accessibility company that provides accessibility consulting and accessibility testing solutions and assist businesses in complying with the European Accessibility Act in several ways.

By working with BarrierBreak, businesses can ensure that they meet the requirements of the EAA and provide accessible products and services to people with disabilities.

Get in touch with our accessibility consultant or write to us at sales@barrierbreak.com on how to prepare for the EAA and ensure that your business is compliant.

The post Are you ready for the European Accessibility Act? appeared first on Leader in Offshore Accessibility Testing | Section 508 Compliance | WCAG Conformance | BarrierBreak.

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