WDD – Leader in Offshore Accessibility Testing | Section 508 Compliance | WCAG Conformance | BarrierBreak https://www.barrierbreak.com/how-technology-is-making-life-easier-for-people-with-disabilities-podcast-marking-the-world-disability-day/ Creating a limitless future Fri, 02 Dec 2022 08:24:06 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://www.barrierbreak.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/favicon.ico.png WDD – Leader in Offshore Accessibility Testing | Section 508 Compliance | WCAG Conformance | BarrierBreak https://www.barrierbreak.com/how-technology-is-making-life-easier-for-people-with-disabilities-podcast-marking-the-world-disability-day/ 32 32 How technology is making life easier for people with disabilities? – Podcast marking the World Disability Day https://www.barrierbreak.com/how-technology-is-making-life-easier-for-people-with-disabilities-podcast-marking-the-world-disability-day/ https://www.barrierbreak.com/how-technology-is-making-life-easier-for-people-with-disabilities-podcast-marking-the-world-disability-day/#respond Fri, 02 Dec 2022 08:21:31 +0000 https://www.barrierbreak.com/?p=21228 According to the 2011 Census of India, there are over 26 million people with disabilities in the country, representing 2.2% of the total population. However, due to the social stigma and discrimination associated with disability, the actual number is likely to be much higher. In spite of this, there has been little progress in terms… Read More »How technology is making life easier for people with disabilities? – Podcast marking the World Disability Day

The post How technology is making life easier for people with disabilities? – Podcast marking the World Disability Day appeared first on Leader in Offshore Accessibility Testing | Section 508 Compliance | WCAG Conformance | BarrierBreak.

According to the 2011 Census of India, there are over 26 million people with disabilities in the country, representing 2.2% of the total population. However, due to the social stigma and discrimination associated with disability, the actual number is likely to be much higher. In spite of this, there has been little progress in terms of inclusion of people with disabilities in India. In fact, the majority of people with disabilities in India still face significant barriers to inclusion in all aspects of life.

There are a number of reasons for this, including the lack of awareness about the rights of people with disabilities and the lack of infrastructure and support services. However, the most significant barrier to inclusion is the attitudinal barriers that exist within society.

Marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities observed on the 3rd of December, Kiran Somvanshi from Economic Times speaks with Shilpi Kapoor, CEO, BarrierBreak, corporate lawyer Amar Jain, and Yogesh Desai, Chief Executive Officer at Helen Keller Institute for Deaf & Deafblind to discuss the various challenges that people with disabilities in India go through.

In this special morning brief podcast by ET Bureau, Shilpi Kapoor shares her thought on how tech can be a blessing for people with disabilities. She shares how technology is moving towards becoming more inclusive and thus ensuring people with disabilities get included in the society and mainstream. She explains web accessibility as “providing people a choice of doing something the way they want to do it using the technology they want to use.”

Listen to the podcast to know more about the laws for people with disabilities, how diversity helps and the ground reality for people with disabilities in India.

The post How technology is making life easier for people with disabilities? – Podcast marking the World Disability Day appeared first on Leader in Offshore Accessibility Testing | Section 508 Compliance | WCAG Conformance | BarrierBreak.

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