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Bug Details

Bug No.:


Technology Type:


Web Page URL / Screen Name:

Domain / Mobile App Name:

Aarogya Setu



Bug Name:

Focus order is not correct as it goes to 'Assess Again' button after right swipe on 'Things to do ne

Bug Description:

Focus order is not correct as it goes to 'Assess Again' button after right swipe on 'Things to do next' Right arrow graphic. It should not jump to 'Assess Again' and should go on to elements as they appear on the page.

Screen Shot:

Focus order is not correct as it goes to 'Assess Again' button after right swipe on 'Things to do next' Right arrow graphic

WCAG Success Criteria:

2.4.3 Focus Order

WCAG Conformance Level:


Contributor Name:

Deepak Shukla