Bug Details
Bug No.:
Technology Type:
Web Page URL / Screen Name:
Domain / Mobile App Name:
Bug Name:
Partial Focus Of Elements
Bug Description:
Each item under this section is not focused on as a whole. Which results in voice-over reading each text individually. This means, first the focus goes to the "Number" then to the icon (which does not have a proper alt text either) in middle, then the next "Number", then the text below it. In case of XXXXX NUMBER OF PEOPLE TESTED FOR THE FIRST TIME IN LAST 24 HOURS. Because XXXX is in a separate tag, it is focused separately, and then on the next tap focus goes to the text which then reads out what this number was for.
Screen Shot:
WCAG Success Criteria:
Best Practice
WCAG Conformance Level:
Best Practice
Contributor Name:
Mufti Arfan Farooqi