Bug Details
Bug No.:
Technology Type:
Web Page URL / Screen Name:
Domain / Mobile App Name:
Bug Name:
'Delete Individual' and 'Add Member' controls are not accessible using keyboard
Bug Description:
Actual- 'Delete Individual' and 'Add Member' controls are not accessible using keyboard. Expected- 'Delete Individual' and 'Add Member' controls should be accessible using keyboard. Pre-requisites- User should be already registered and one Member should already be available in the dashboard. Repro Steps- 1. Open URL https://selfregistration.cowin.gov.in. 2. Input a registered Phone number and then select 'Get OTP' button using Enter. 3. Input the OTP received and press Enter. 4. CoWin Dashboard will open. 5. Navigate on this page using tab key and notice that focus does not go to 'Delete Individual' and 'Add Member' controls, but these controls are selectable using mouse click.
Screen Shot:
WCAG Success Criteria:
2.1.1 Keyboard
WCAG Conformance Level:
Contributor Name:
Priyanka Singhal