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Bug Details

Bug No.:


Technology Type:


Web Page URL / Screen Name:

Domain / Mobile App Name:



Bug Name:

Accessible role and sort properties not defined for sortable table headers

Bug Description:

The sortable table headers (can be seen in tables present in "Statewise Vaccine" and "Statewise status" accordions) do not have an accessible role of a button for the benefit of assistive technology users. These table headers also lack the ARIA sort properties to communicate the sorting functionalities for assistive technologies. As a result, assistive technology users may not be able to identify the interactive nature of these elements and the currently implemented sorting order. The sorting functionality provided in the table headers is not operable using a keyboard . The sorting functionality in these sortable table headers can be triggered with a mouse, but they cannot be focused and activated using a keyboard. As a result, keyboard-only users may not be able to interact with these elements and use these features.

Screen Shot:

Screenshot of the page, where the sortable table headers are highlighted in red.

WCAG Success Criteria:

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value

WCAG Conformance Level:


Contributor Name:

Salim Khan