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Bug Details

Bug No.:


Technology Type:


Web Page URL / Screen Name:

Domain / Mobile App Name:



Bug Name:

Tab focus is not reaching over interactive elements

Bug Description:

User Experience: Keyboard dependent users will face difficulty if some control elements are not accessible by using the keyboard then end users won't be able to access the functionality of that elements and are block to perform any functionality . Test Environment : URL: OS : Win 10 Browser : Edge dev Repro Steps: Step 1: Launch URL in the edge browser. Step 2: Cowin site will open. Step 3: Navigate further by using the tab key. Step 4: Try to reach over Search by pin and Search by District in tab navigation. Step 5: Observe that above mentioned control are not accessible. Actual Result: Tab focus is not reaching to the interactive elements i.e. Search by district and Search by pin as a result user is unable to access these control elements. Expected Result: Tab focus reach over the interactive elements i.e. Search by district and Search by pin and both control elements should be accessible. WCAG Reference Link:

Screen Shot:

WCAG2.1.1_Control not accessible

WCAG Success Criteria:

2.1.1 Keyboard

WCAG Conformance Level:


Contributor Name:

Rabinder Singh Adhikari