Importance of Labelling your Controls
Label is an important piece of text that tells you what the purpose of the control is. Users can decide based on the label if clicking or activating the button… Read More »Importance of Labelling your Controls
Label is an important piece of text that tells you what the purpose of the control is. Users can decide based on the label if clicking or activating the button… Read More »Importance of Labelling your Controls
As an accessibility expert, I have always come across a question – be it from my team or the clients. How can I make this interactive element accessible? Most of… Read More »Busting Myths: Separating Fact from Fiction in Accessible Interactive Elements
We all often come across a game, activity, form, or website where we must perform Drag & Drop functionality to complete our task. It can be enjoyable for some or… Read More »Can drag and drop be made accessible? Yes! It can be in different ways!