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Home Blog Television Remote Control – an Inclusive Design Study

Television Remote Control – an Inclusive Design Study

A television remote in a persons hand pointed at a television in the background. Television Remote Control - Inclusive Design Study

The Television Remote Control is one such device which is in nearly every household. Over the years, the television remote control has evolved. You can see remotes which are in all shapes & sizes, some with few functionalities while others that are overwhelming for users.

From a personal experience, I can tell you that for my mom who loves watching the television every evening and it is a challenge to get her used to different remotes. I recently went out to buy a new television for the house and my decision to buy was not only based on the screen size, display and sound but also the design of the remote control was key in my decision making.

So we at BarrierBreak are looking at the Television Remote Control from the lens of Inclusive Design.

As a part of that, we have just launched a Using a TV Remote Survey.

The survey is part of an Inclusive Design Study that we are conducting to understand challenges faced by different types of users while using TV Remote Control.

We look forward to your hear from you, so take the Using a TV Remote Survey and look out for the progress on this on our blog!

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